
real quick like..

the fam is here!!

(one of my) fave restaurants in SF - mama + steppy

thanks for the fooood

brother who is commonly mistaken for my child. maybe because we dress alike? 

that's not my son.
that's her son.   
happy weekend, all!

ps- Kate Middleton = a dream.


serious randomosity

i may or may not have spent the better part of my day watching TLC's Royal Wedding Week.......
sorry I'm  not sorry
I really can't wait for those beautiful people to tie the knot on friday!
i love all her hats!
I am equally (if not more) excited to see my MOM/STEPPY/BROTHER ON WEDNESDAY!
my bro wants to spend the night with us for "no-parents-allowed-night".. because E and I are so cool and fun like that.
so I am definitely looking forward to some craziness like this..
bedtime stories!

geeeze mom.

also, Happy Easter lovelies!


weekend hike

the weather has been so wonderful, i hope it stays!!

mom, steppy & lil bro are coming in about a week and a half, couldn't be more excited to see them!

hafta run. going to watch the lifetime movie special on will&kate. obvi. eeeeeeeeeeekk can't wait for that royal wedding either! nighty night. xoxx


technologically impaired..

ok people. after an hour of really intense blogger dashboard searching did i finally figure out how to get my comments emailed to me.

i know. it is sad. I've had this blog since August and am just figuring that one out.

anyways. I love all your comments, and now i finally know how to respond! haha.

thanks for your patience,
happy fridayyyy :)


thursday 1st survey!

Hey all! I haven't had too much to post about lately so I've been slackin' on the postin'. I saw this lil survey on the lovely Brittney's blog and decided to do it for lack of anything interesting going on in our lives right now...
1. How long have you been a military wife?
- almost 8 months

2. What branch of service is your husband?
-Air Force
3. Active/Reserve?
-Active Duty
4. What is his job?
-Airborne Linguist 
5. How many deployments have you gone through?
6. Camo or Dress uniforms on your man?
-I think he looks cutest in his flight suit! 
7. What do you like about being a military wife?
- I just like being his wife. I am so proud of him! 
8. Do you live on base?
-nope... we might one of these days, but not now.
9. What is your favorite base so far?
- well I liked the base in fla b/c it was close to fam/friends/fsu.. but he was in Afghanistan most of the time so I am definitely liking California a lot since he's not deploying! 
10. What is the hardest part of the military life?
- deployments! and living so far from family and friends. 
11. Do you go to the grocery store or Commissary?
- commissary for most things and trader joe's when I need just a few things.
12. Do you work or stay at home?
13. Do you have a lot of military wife friends? 
- wouldn't say a lot. I have a few that I am very thankful for! and I love all the military wife friends I have made through blogging!
14. Do you prefer Walmart or the BX/PX/NEX/MCX?
- oh definitely BX/PX! i just kinda hate wal mart. 
15. How did your husband propose? 
- aw. he is so cute. We had only been dating 8 months (but I knew I wanted to marry him.. like.. when my friend showed me a picture of him before i met him. haha) it was just a couple of days before he went to Afghanistan. He got us this really nice condo on the beach for the weekend and everything was so perfect but, naturally, I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the weekend.  On the last day there we went on this super (I mean  MILES & MILES) long walk where he FINALLY got on one knee and asked if I would marry him.  this is totally abbreviated. one day I will write the whole story out. it was so great. one of my favorite days of my life! (rivals with my wedding)
16. Did you marry him after he joined or before?
-after! he had already been in for 2 years before I met him
17. How long have you been together?
- 2 years and 5ish months 
18. Any kids?
-not yet!
19. Any kids yet to come?
- none on the way.. but, yes, one day we would love that! 
20. Is your husband one of those "I am soldier hear me HOOAH" kind of guys?
-no.. not in the least. he is so, sooo modest
21. Have you ever done combatives with your husband?
- ummm what's that?
 22. How many bases have you lived at?
- 2
23. If you could change one thing about the military?
- I just wish we knew where we would be moving at least 6 months before we moved there! just to start looking for jobs and housing. 
24. Do you like military balls?
-YES!!! I always want to wear a long formal gown. but we've never been to one. haha. my time will come one of these days
at his ALS graduation.. not quite a "ball" but super fun!

25. Where does your family live?
- South Georgia and Florida
26. What do you do for a job?
- beauty advisor for Lancome 
27. Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCO's wife?
- whaaaa? umm. no... that's a weird question 
28. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone.
-watch trash tv in bed on my comp!

29. Do you think other wives do that too?
- duh


riding around town and a little update

hi all! wanted to share a little of this past weekend in pictures... well just saturday because i worked all friday and sunday. and just my luck that we've had the most glorious weather for about a week EXCEPT the one day I have off work. but we still got to ride around town alllll day long :) :)
first stop, the park! ughh looking at this thing makes me queasy

husband. recently dubbed "low maintenance Ed" by one of his friends.  cargo shorts from 1999(?), $10 velcro shoes. can't do anything with that boy. :)

we found this secret place on top of a hill, overlooking the wharf 

down by the bay, down by the bayyy

self timed portraits made for lots of laughs 
like this....??

haha and this. getting ready to attack
this is me being concerned about man down. 

i think someone is still upset about their fall
my ups....

that. just. happened. 

I'm not even mad

i love my bikeee

we biked over to this lovely families house for some bball action. how cute are those lil lady's baby jeggings??

BRUTUS!!! the guard dog!!
and this lil sweetie is turning the big ONE this week :)

going to shop for the bday girl and then go get my hair did!! yayy! and we are going to try to make it to the farmers market when E gets home from work. 

I already got my workout in this morning and am challenging myself to work out at least 4 days a week until July then going to continue or move it down to 3. hopefully i will be so used to my 4 days i will keep that up but I'm slowly setting goals for myself. and posting it here will (hopefully) keep me motivated!  It seems like since I started working i forgot how to balance everything. so I am finally getting back on top of my emails, blogging, blog reading, working out and those fun chores like laundry and dishes! 

ok, gotta finish that lonnnng list that is called my Tuesday! happy week everyone

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